Community Budget 101

Community Budget 101 Logo

What it is: Community Budget presentations are designed to offer an opportunity to invite the Bureau of the Budget and Management Research to your organization’s meeting to provide a brief and beneficial overview of the City’s budget. During the presentation, we will provide an overview of the budget and budget process.  

How it works: Look at the calendar and pick a date, time, and location that works for your organization. All you need to do is let your members know about the presentation and encourage them to come with questions. We will do the rest!

How do I request a Community Budget presentation: Send an email to and we’ll be in touch within 2 business days. 

Recent & Upcoming Community Budget 101 Events:

  • Pedro Aponte, Revenue Director, presents at the Baltimore Civics Kibitz (Jews United for Justice) on Thurday, July 15 2021 at 7 P.M. More information here.