First Round of American Rescue Plan Act Funding Announced

Thursday Oct 21st, 2021

The City announced the first round of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) investment on Wednesday, October 20, 2021. 

As the central agency in the COVID-19 response, the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD) will receive an investment totaling $80 million over four years. ARPA funding provided to BCHD will allow the City to continue its robust response efforts and support Baltimore’s most vulnerable communities.  

The investment will provide tens of thousands of at-home, laboratory, and rapid COVID-19 tests and dedicated testing staff; funding to develop telehealth infrastructure for Baltimore City health care clinics; the purchase, management, and storage of personal protective equipment; and 120 funded contact tracers and supervisors.  Additionally, ARPA funding will be used to create an Immunization Office and a mobile vaccination team for the purpose of increasing vaccination rates among vulnerable and hesitant communities.  The investment will help Baltimore fight food insecurity by supporting home delivery boxes and grab-and-go meals instrumental to keeping Baltimore seniors, people with disabilities, and vulnerable residents fed during the pandemic, while limiting exposure to the virus. It will also fund additional staff to protect Baltimore seniors from violence and abuse. 

The Mayor's Office of Recovery Programs, established in July 2021, is administering the City's ARPA funds and currently seeking public input on funding priorities. 

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