City Council Briefed by BBMR on Projected Fiscal 2018 Spending & Revenues

Wednesday Nov 22nd, 2017
Baltimore City Council Fiscal 2018 First Quarter Budget Briefing

Each quarter of the Fiscal Year, the Budget Director briefs City Council on how the City's actual finances compare to budgeted projections.   The first Fiscal 2018 Quarterly Briefing for the City Council Budget and Appropriations Committee, chaired by Councilman Eric Costello with Councilman Leon Pinkett as Vice Chair, took place on Tuesday, November 14th, 2017.  The presentation by Deputy Budget Director Robert Cenname covered budget projections based on agency spending through October 2017, as well as the closeout of Fiscal 2017 as of the end of June 2017.  Deputy Cenname summarized revenues, expenditures, and year-end surplus for Fiscal 2017 closeout, and explained the projected surplus for Fiscal 2018 as of the first quarter.  BBMR's powerpoint presentation for the Quarterly Briefing is provided below, for public information.  Meeting minutes can be found on the City Council Legistar website.   The next City Council Quarterly Budget Briefing will be scheduled for February.  

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