FY18 Recommended Budget Released

Wednesday May 3rd, 2017

Fiscal 2018 Executive SummaryThe Fiscal 2018 Board of Estimates budget recommendation shifts the priorities of City government, investing more in education and youth development than police. Making Baltimore safe will take a smart crime-fighting strategy and more money for programs that give residents – especially our youngest ones – opportunities to succeed in life.

The budget totals $3.9 billion, including $2.8 billion for operating expenses and $1.1 billion for capital investment. The General Fund budget totals $1.83 billion, a 4.1% increase from the Fiscal 2017 Adopted Budget. It is a responsible plan that includes a major new commitment to City Schools, maintains core City services, continues Property Tax reduction for homeowners, and targets investments to make the City cleaner and safer.

See the full Fiscal 2018 Executive Summary for more details about the recommended budget.

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