Three BBMR Employees Recognized for Service

Friday Dec 2nd, 2016

Robert Cenname, Kirsten Silveira and Emma Tessier, employees of the Bureau of the Budget and Management Research were recognized Tuesday for their service to the City of Baltimore and its residents. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake presented Cenname, Silveira and Tessier with the 2016 Medallion for Meritorious Service Award for work on the City's Innovative Government initiatives. 

2016 Medallion for Meritorious Service Award

Cenname (far left), has worked for the City for 10 years. He was recognized for work on Risk Management and Comprehensive Financial Planning. His nomination read: "Bob’s behind-the-scenes work has put city government on a more sustainable fiscal path by developing improved budgeting practices for risk management, reserves and special funds." 

Silveira (second from right), has worked for the City for 2.5 years. She was recognized for her work on process improvement in Baltimore. Her nomination read: "Kirsten led the way to meet the Mayor’s goal of training 1,000 employees in Lean Government, which has already improved customer service and results across a dozen city agencies."

Tessier (far right), as worked for the City for 2.5 years. She was recognized for her work on performance measurement and management and its role in the City's Outcome Budgeting process. Her nomination read: "Emma has been the point person on Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s groundbreaking OutcomeStat program, which has gained international attention for integrating Results-Based Accountability, Outcome Budgeting and CitiStat."

Former BBMR analyst, Berke Attila (second from left) was also recognized for his work on efficient administration and timely payment of City vendors.

Attila, Cenname, Silveira, Tessier were among 43 public servants recognized for their contribution's at the event.

Also pictured (center): City Budget Director, Andrew Kleine.

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