Fiscal 2017 Citizen's Guide to the Budget

Monday Aug 29th, 2016

The Fiscal 2017 Citizen's Guide to the Budget provides residents with a four-page overview of how the City is allocating its resources. 

The document also highlights the progress the City has made in key outcome areas -- Better Schools, Safer Streets, Stronger Neighborhoods, A Growing Economy, Innovative Government, A Cleaner City and A Healthier City. 

The Citizen's Guide to the Budget is organized into four sections:

Page 1: Our Accomplishments
Page 2: Our Performance
Page 3: Revenue & Expenditures
Page 4: Our Challenges & Our Investments 

The guide is designed according to the standards set forth by the Association of Government Accountants Citizen-Centric Reporting (CCR) initiative. The CCR inititiative aims to support "innovative means" of communication of government financial information between cities and their residents. 

For more information about the FY17 Citizen's Guide to the Budget, contact


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